Grade 5 -  New Media in foreign language education


Grade 5

5th graders form the youngest group of our pupils. They are 11 or 12 years old after finishing grade 5. Mostly they do not have had many experiences yet, which means, we should start at a very basic level. Background knowledge must not be expected.  They are not expected to handle with complicated software, for example photoshop, but they should know how to take pictures with a digital camera, how to connect headphones to the computer, or how to start a simple google search.

This is what 5th grades should be able to do:  

  1. How to turn on and off the computer
  2. How to work with text processing
  3. Software (Microsoft Word or Open Office)
  4. How to start the browser
  5. Favorite home pages
  6. How to use input devices (basic: Headphones, mouse, keyboard, camera, USB stick)
  7. Copy and paste
  8. Work with Google and YouTube
  9. Special kids programs (computer games)
  10. How to use the DVD- CD player
  11. How to use social networks (icq, Messenger) (If they have a computer class at school, they should already heard about privacy, virus protection and cyber bullying.)