Grade 9 -  New Media in foreign language education



Pupils of grade 9 are usually about 15 years old. Most of them do use computers regularly which means we can expect some more knowledge. They should know about legal aspects, they should have advanced skills when it comes to working with text programs. They should be able to use google and other searching machines more specifically. They should be able to distinguish serious websites from unreliable ones.

This is what grade 9ers should be able to do:

  1. Knowledge about legal/copyright issues on the web
  2. Knowledge about privacy issues: no publishing of private data etc. (e.g. on social networks)
  3. Basic research skills (e.g. google research on a simple topic without specific given websites)
  4. Knowledge about criteria for reliable sources
  5. Ability to find photos/pictures which are not copyright protected
  6. Ability to use Word/text processing programs
  7. Knowledge about conventions concerning sending emails  (style, attachments, …)
  8. Enough experience to handle digital camera, audio recorder and similar devices autonomously